ECE 6254 - Statistical Machine Learning

Spring 2018





Python Resource


General Interest

Extra Reading and Practice


Practice Problems





Books on statistical learning





Books covering background material

  • How to Solve It, Polya, 1945. Classic introduction to mathematical problem solving. (Amazon)
  • Introduction to Probability, Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 2008. Good introduction to elementary probability theory. (Amazon)
  • An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Feller, 1950. An absolute classic. A more advanced (but still accessible) introduction to probability theory. (Amazon)
  • The Art of Probability, Hamming, 1994. Another introduction to probability theory written by a fellow engineer. (Amazon)
  • All of Statistics, Wasserman, 2004. Exactly what the title says. (Amazon)
  • Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Strang, 2005. A great introduction to linear algebra. (Amazon)
  • Convex Optimization, Boyd, 2004. We will cover the tools from convex optimization that we need as part of the course, but if you want to know more, this is a great resource targeted towards electrical engineers. (Free online version, Amazon)

Professor: David V. Anderson